Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Slices and Sticks

"Slices and Sticks"
Oil on canvas, 8" x 6"
Copyright 2008 Sheila Cantrell

I'm back to painting after a little break over the holidays. This is a not-so-subtle use of complementary colors - oranges slices and cinnamon sticks on a blue plate. By the way - what title sounds better? "Slices and Sticks" or "Sticks and Slices"? Either way sounds like an advertisement for some new kitchen gadget. This one really strained my nearly non-existent title creating skills. I'm entirely open to other title suggestions...


Robyn said...
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Robyn said...

Hi again,
I think your oil paintings are amazing and there's so much detail in them that's so hard to achieve with oil paints. In my opinion, I'd say "Sticks and slices" sounds better as I think having the monosyllabic word first makes it sound more.. flowing?

Sheila Cantrell said...

I believe that you're right - "Sticks and slices" does have a little better rhythm to it. I'm still not crazy about that title either way it's arranged. This is a follow-up set-up from the "Orange Spiced Tea" painting that I did several weeks ago. Perhaps I should have just called it "Orange Spices"? "Arrangement in Blue and Orange"? "Blue Plate Special"? Hmmm... I suppose it's not really important at this point! Time to move on...